Friday, February 11

Blog To Express Your Feelings, Not To Impress Others, Bollocks.

We say something for ourselves, we say something for our rights, and we say something for nothing, sometimes.

I do not whine when things are going out of hand. I just need time to re-adjust my brain to a higher limit. Because problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

To be wise, is so much harder than to be smart. You are given two things. Knowledge and wisdom. These two are different things.

At first, I thought, both are good for me. Yes they are. 

But have importances, but which between these two things we have to make it more "important"?

Let me say, wisdom is for your heart. Knowledge is for you brain. We can train our minds, but not any of us can train our lust, which comes from our heart.

God told you to be wise. Because everybody can be smart. But not anybody can train their heart to be wise. 

So? Come on, have a clue a bit lah. Seek wisdom. Always.

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